Un homme seul doit baiser ou il ne deviendra jamais pro. la farce a mal tourné

Un homme seul doit baiser ou il ne deviendra jamais pro. la farce a mal tourné

#hentaï #seul #baise #homme #farce @Yagerden321
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  • TreonSVerdery: I think what would be really awesome is that if anime creators used the audio part of real amateur sex videos sex pleasure sounds, vocalizations and words, then they could draw and compute the moving image part of the anime. The sounds are completely real and much sexier to the anime viewers, and there might be a little extra creativity from making the visuals to go with the actual amateur sex and orgasming sounds.

    Another thing anime creators could do is they could use large language model, LLM image generation like Dall-E2, and also the video generating nonsentient AI, telling the AI a group of simple AI generated video enhancing guidelines like, if the woman or man vocalizes at the 90th percentile of vocalization, make a 1-2 seconds preceding the sex sound video of a particular attribute of clitoral stimulation, or visual forms of harder, faster, deeper sex, or at a threesome AI generated sex video, possibly linking a sex sound to a visual of the third person of the threesome highly pleasuring the woman or man that made the sex sound. other kind of video visual that fits the real amateur sex audio to precede at 1-2 seconds a particularly lively moving image, other things that could have visuals preceding the audio are higher pitch of and at sex sounds and sex pleasure, as well as generated moving images when a sex word or words are spoken, or has an Oh Oh Oh rhythm, the software could then make an image showing intensified harder, faster, deeper sex, or a visual with a sex pleasure vibrator being utilized.
    il y a 1 année