Satyr61 - Profil
- Pays: Canada, Calgary, Alberta
- Sexe: Masculin
- Situation de famille: Célibataire / Célibataire
- L'âge: 63
- Orientation: Bisexuel(le)
- Sur moi: I've been teaching myself bass guitar & can play some songs all the way through. I love classic rock, cooking, swimming & writing poetry. I've a cat named BeBe. Up until last year in January I was living with my brother Johnny but he died of a heart attack at the age of 63. Now I'm alone but I least I have my cat and my aunt Margie is helping me...A LOT!! I just have to my best & carry on with what little I've got.
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Satyr61 - Vidéos favorites ()
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63.4k Vues
13 min

514.1k Vues
11 min