J'ai attendu 18 ans pour qu'ils grandissent et c'est le mieux que je pouvais faire haha

8 2
  • Lord1964: Geile kleine Titten..Genau mein Geschmack..Süße
    il y a 1 année
  • HandofGodEternal: don't be upset... there is indeed, asilver lining in every situation that feels like you just got dissed or fucked with ( in a negative light, not the good way, lol ) Yeah so, waiting 18 years for them perky little pretty~titties.... is actually a blessing that you never recognized there fire~cracker! Big tits may seem the greener grass that people are more drawn to.... and if in your social circle, that hypothesis does indeed prove to be the rule and not the exception.... Then at that point, your social circle can be deemed toxic and you can begin dipping your toes into newer, cleaner, and other, more lavish and even top~less swimming pools elsewhere! Metaphorically speaking of course!
    il y a 9 mois