Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake
Umi Yatsugake

Umi Yatsugake

63 1
  • 2018 first time I see your photos and videos
    But it's doesn't matter to me. I never stop
    Searching for your photos and video's
    And saved it to my phone. Until now. I
    Still searching your photos and videos
    I don't know why I like to see you I know I
    Don't have any enough money to see you or
    Even meet you and I know I'm not the type
    Of guy you wanna meet up with. But it's doesn't
    Mean I'll gonna stop having a crush on you
    Coz the truth is I have a huge huge crush
    on you even though Your rich and famous
    and even though I'm not but I'm still hoping
    That maybe someday you will give me a
    Chance just one chance to meet you just
    For a one day one whole day to be with you
    Even we can't have Sex at day. It's fine hangout with you is It's good enough for me.
    il y a 12 mois 27 j'aime