Si vous êtes un homme de plus de 18 ans, quel mot utiliseriez-vous pour décrire mon visage de milf ?
emptynester: Gorgeous! Oh wait, I'm not a man... sorry... :) I may not be what you were hoping for, but I am a mid-40s hotwife/soccer mom, who happens to enjoy looking at pics of other hot girls and touching my freshly shaved sweet wet pussy ;P I hope it's okay, but I saw your pic and had to stop for a few rubs and a finger or two... Very nice, by the way!il y a 9 mois 1 j'aime
João Antônio: A mesma beleza da naturezail y a 9 mois
Anonymous: 1000% agree with emptynester.. oh wait.. one word?il y a 1 mois
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