Mon milkshake amène tous les garçons hétéros dans la cour...

Mon milkshake amène tous les garçons hétéros dans la cour...

#hétéro #milk-shake @supralunar
13 7
2.1k vues
  • Pete: Would be nice to dunk her beautiful cock in the jar of plum jam and suck it off for breakfast followed by taste of delicious cum. Would be hard to stop. Once started would be torture having to stop sucking her beautiful cock. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    il y a 3 mois
  • Pete: Would be nice to kiss her too. She looks very kissy and sweet.
    il y a 3 mois
  • Pete: Fantasy is to be able to do nothing else but suck her beautiful cock all the time.
    il y a 3 mois
  • Pete: Gives meaning to the term mouthwatering. Wish so much that I could be sucking her beautiful cock and never ever have to stop.
    il y a 4 mois
  • Pete: Just wish so much that I could be sucking her beautiful cock.
    il y a 4 mois
  • Pete: Given one wish that would come true. Spend all day every day sucking her beautiful cock.
    il y a 4 mois
  • Pete: Visions of a bowl full of vanilla custard and cream and using her beautiful cock to eat it with.
    il y a 4 mois